Monday, November 16, 2009

...Best Of Both Worlds...

A guy in my class once asked me, what is the right direction one should follow in life?... Like a good girl I said there is no right or wrong…so…if there is no right or wrong than what is all the fuss about???

We the people very conveniently choose our own “right”. What was right to me yesterday is boring for me today and would be stupid tomorrow…

Every now and then we go through a time where we recreate ourselves and we get caught in the turmoil of rights and wrongs. And its destiny which decides the right “right”…the only thing permanent is change and change is a necessity. I am a firm believer of destiny so I go wherever it takes me…but this destiny is directly proportional to opportunity which you have to create for yourself…with your hard work and the strength to carry on…

If you ask me, I would say, everyone has his/her own different paths, if you are confident of why you are on this path and know where it is taking you, nothing else matters. Just believe in what you do and even if something goes wrong… you will be able to handle it… have that faith in yourself…

Life is beautiful…let’s not be afraid to take chances…


आयूषी said...

everything i write is my own is up 2 u bleve..

Dhiraj said...

Limit is self-defined..... reach out for everything beyond...... stretch a bit.....



आयूषी said...

thanks Mukul